Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Film coursework part 1

Are you doing Film Studies A Level at the moment? A2 or AS?

I'm studying film A2 at the moment.
We are set two pieces of coursework.
The first part is to study and make a presentation to show the class.
Our options for these studies are:
  • Auteur (director)
  • Star/performer
  • Genre
  • Institution
  • Social, political and cultural studies
  • Technology
We must choose one of the areas and construct a question to base our study upon.

I chose Auteur.

My question is 'Hayao Miyazaki's auteur characteristics and his impact on animated film'.

<--------- Hayao Miyazaki :D

We need one focus film and two other main films to look at.

So I chose Spirited Away (Miyazaki, 2001) as my focus film
and Castle in the Sky (Miyazaki, 1986) and A Bug's Life (Lasseter, 1998) as my two other main films.

So... Hayao Miyazaki... Your thoughts?
Amazing director? Average? Or just pants?
Also, favourite Miyazaki and/or Studio Ghibli film?

- Whatsername.


  1. I'm doing this now ;D Yaaaaay...

    How did yours go?
    I think i'm going to do Institution but apart from that I haven't a clue..

  2. Mine went very well thank you! What did you decide to do in the end?
