Monday, 1 November 2010

Harry Potter books - post 1

This will be the first of many posts, I'm sure.
I am 18 now and only started reading these books about two months ago.
I didn't want to at first because I just wasn't interested, but then I really wanted to and, after seeing four of them in a charity shop for £1, I could hardly say no!

After reading the first one, I became hooked. My free time was (and still is) Harry Potter time.
I'm halway through The Half-Blood Prince at the moment...
So far the order of favourite to least favourite is:
1 - Prisoner of Azkaban
2 - Chamber of Secrets
3 - Order of the Phoenix
4 - Half-Blood Prince
5 - Goblet of Fire
6 - Philosopher's Stone

If you've read them, what do you think of them? And what order would you put them in?

- Whatsername.


  1. Oh my wow. Yes. Number.1 is Prisoner xD But Chamber of Secrets wasn't that great to me >> (Prehaps my least fave :O)

    <3 Prisoner and Order

  2. The last one became my fav. Though very rushed, it was still amazing.
